Hommage à Odd Ivar créateur du site kz400.com par son fils Ole
ici la traduction de cet hommage au créateur du site mondial kz400.com.par son fils Ole.
In memory of Odd Ivar Bekkelund (1957 - 2008)
Passion. That's what it's all about. That burning sensation deep inside us all, driving us on, defining who we truly are. It's that feeling when you turn the key and kick the bike into gear, when the engine roars like an untamed beast and the wheels start turning. It's that feeling when you hit the open road and watch the world pass by at blazing speeds, and the only thing that truly matters is the sound of your engine and the touch of the wind gently caressing you, whispering in your ear. It's a feeling like no other.
It was that passion that made my father create this website, allowing him to share all his knowledge about the KZ400 with the myriads of enthusiasts out there who needed a helping hand in getting their old Kawasakis back on the road. I never quite realized the importance or the scale of the work he did maintaining this site and providing help for others; it just looked like your everyday hobby to me. But following his death on January 13th, I've come to realize what his work meant, not only for him, but for so many people around the world. Even to this day, he still receives several mails a week regarding motorcycle parts, restoration tips and whatnot. And to me, it only goes to show what incredible knowledge and skill my father possessed, and how much sharing this knowledge meant to him.
Even though he is gone, this site will remain here as a testament to his passion for the KZ400, and to make sure that his work lives on. The site itself will remain inactive for the time being, as it would be futile to even attempt picking up the massive work my father left behind.
May his soul ride the open road forever.
- Ole Bekkelund
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